Astor piazzolla tango etudes for flute pdf free
Astor piazzolla tango etudes for flute pdf free

astor piazzolla tango etudes for flute pdf free

The government promised to immigrant labor, and even the earth. HIST OF RE IO TA NGOīeginnings The original instrumental and the invention of a musical styleġ900-1915 1915-1920 20 Years The 30s The 40s The 50s Beginnings At the end of last century, Argentina was inhabited by 1,600,000 people and had thus great need of people. Here are found all the misery behind-the city, thieves, prostitutes. All live on the edge of the city in an area cal led the 'Arrabal' and housed in large buildings of the type barracks (the conven tillos). End 1880 Capital Federal has about 3.5 million migrants worldwide.

astor piazzolla tango etudes for flute pdf free

Most of time, are single men from Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany, j oined by farmers from all over South America. Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 1880: emigrants from all parts arrive with the idea in mind of maki ng a fortune. It was agreed that the Tango was bo rn in 1898 in Buenos Aires (the name of Our Lady of Bon Air, patron saint of sai lors Seville) and Montevideo. This binary rhythmic and syncopated habanera cal led in Cuba is found in the Argentine Tango. From the 15th century, this musical style was perpetuated by gypsies before accompanying Spanish immigrants in America. Transported to Spain by the Arab conqueror s, this dance was considered obscene and was banned in Catholic states. In the structure of the Tango, it is also a rhythm on the North African Moors who inte rpreted a particularly sensual dance. Deported en masse in the wake of colonization based on the slave system before being murdered in Argentina in 1870 imposed the black musical rhythms that would also become the Tango. This dance deri ves Xango: god of iron and war in Yoruba mythology (people of West Africa today set in the south-western Nigeria, Benin and Togo). May SOM ER INTRO ductio N HISTO IRE OF THE TAN TAN GO GO U DO THE DANCE MU SIQ EU NGO TA CU LTU RE TAN THE GO ALL Astor PI Azzo (1921 - 1992) So urce INTR ODU CTI ON The origins of the Tango, it yd'abord a liturgical dance from Africa called Xang o black (like Calenda Candomblé, Chicha, the Bamboula or Samba). Then itself alongside the salons, theaters, cafes and nightclub s opening up to wealthier classes. He was born in the immigrant community and specifica lly in brothels. The result of interbreeding between Eur opean dance (waltz, polka, mazurka), Latin American (condombe), Caribbean (calen da) and African influences.

astor piazzolla tango etudes for flute pdf free

The tango was born in Argent ina between Buenos Aires and Montevideo. We talk about the tango as dance, music and poetry. Astor Piazzolla and the Tango The music of Argentina Buenos Aire Preamble Work inspired (and increased) to that of Delphine Bordat (professor of music edu cation, Orléans-Tours).

Astor piazzolla tango etudes for flute pdf free